Your source for high quality Backing Tracks

“An inspiring collection of more than 700 instrumental backing tracks for beginners and advanced players to use for practice or jamming”

Backing Tracks for Solo & Rhythm Guitar

You have instant access to more than 700 jam tracks, various styles.

Free chord charts, chord diagrams and video demos

Bring your guitar playing to the next level!


Select your favorite style:

How to start using Backing Tracks?

  • Download an album or track of your choice.
  • The jam tracks are digital downloads, so you can use them immediately after you have bought them.
  • Download the FREE chord charts and diagrams, check out the inspiring video demos.
  • As a guitarist, you can use our tracks to practice inventing and playing solos.
  • The tracks have all a repeating nature, so you ‘ll have plenty of time and chances to nail that riff.

take your guitar playing to the next level

Welcome to Jam Tracks Guitar your destination for high-quality backing tracks designed to take your guitar playing to new heights.

🎸 Endless Musical Possibilities - Explore an extensive collection of backing tracks spanning various genres, from blues and rock to jazz and pop. Whatever your style, we have the perfect track for you.

🎶 Professionally Produced Tracks - Our tracks are carefully crafted by talented musicians and producers. Enjoy the immersive experience of playing with a live band anytime, anywhere.

📈 Enhance Your Guitar Skills - Our backing tracks aren't just fun to play along with; they're also a great way to improve your technique and improvisation skills. Each track comes with complimentary chord charts and notation to help you make rapid progress.

📺 Inspiring Video Demonstrations - For added inspiration, we provide video demonstrations of the tracks, allowing you to see how professionals approach them and gain ideas for your own playing.

🛒 Easy Ordering and Instant Downloads - Our webshop is user-friendly and offers secure payment options. You can download your tracks instantly and start playing right away.

Discover the magic of our backing tracks and elevate your guitar playing to the next level. Visit Jam Tracks Guitar today and find the perfect track for your musical journey!

Team Jam Tracks Guitar